Move With The Youth : Young Choreographers 2021
New year, new program! Gigi Art of Dance is keen to keep everything fresh and exciting as we serve in our capacity as a dance school and platform for everyone to learn and experience dance as an art form. For 2021, we are glad to present the Young Choreographers program, a series of classes taught by young aspiring choreographers and dancers!
Young Choreographers Program is a series of workshop classes started in 2013 in Gigi Art of Dance, where the classes are taught by young aspiring dancers and choreographers as a platform for them to share their knowledge and refine their teaching skills. Potential teachers are scouted and ensured to have the basic teaching skills through personal classes and approaches before teaching in this program. The program offers a great experience for the students joining the class at a great rate, and provides a necessary platform for future dancers and teachers. Participants from this program have gone on to become great dancers, choreographers, and teachers in their own right, inside and outside of Gigi Art of Dance, including Feby Serafine, Nandita Nada, and Fira.
Now, the program is a regular class on Saturdays, 3:30 – 4:30PM, providing a steady platform open for young choreographers both inside and outside of Gigi Art of Dance. Our first class started on Saturday 6th February, a Krump Choreography class taught by Kyra Rumamby. Our upcoming two classes include a Waacking class on 13th February with Danzel from O2 Studios, and a K-Pop class with Vionna from our own Naye G on 20th February. Join us in this exciting youth program and take your #TimeToBloom!