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Summer Dance Camp 2019 – An Introduction


As a dance school and an arts hub, Gigi Art of Dance has several regular activities and events that occur throughout the year. One of the biggest events in our calendar is Summer Dance Camp (SDC), where a lot of international choreographers, young talents in Indonesia, and collaborative efforts over countries and boundaries have occured. But if you’re new to Gigi Art of Dance, you might not know what SDC is, so let’s have a quick introduction!


What is SDC?

Summer Dance Camp (SDC) is a series of workshops and intensive courses on dance and performing arts that lead up to a festive final performance. Started in 2011 as a way for students to further boost their dance skills during the school holiday period, SDC has always offered a variety of classes far beyond what is normally available and in higher levels. It’s a fun week-long event, leading up to a performance that will showcase all the courses and workshops, and also all the regular classes in Gigi Art of Dance!


Who is in SDC?

SDC has been inviting notable international choreographers including Sori Na (KOR), Ryan Tan (SGP), Andreas Chua (SGP), Yuki Shibuya (JPN), Sun Pittaya Phaefuang (THA), and Mike Cally (USA) and also incredible Indonesian talents including Dian Bokir, Danang Pamungkas, Rianto, Rayedem, and Hamada Abdool. SDC has also been highlighting young choreographers from Gigi Art of Dance to teach in a series called Collabonation, working together with other young talents across the globe to share their passion and knowledge in dance. 

And of course, SDC is open for absolutely everyone to join!


When is SDC?


SDC is held during June-July during the school holiday period. The exact date always shifts according to the year’s calendar, but fret not, it is always available during the period and will bring the best classes to fill in your holiday! Classes are spread over a week period where intensives (7-10 total hours of teaching) and workshops (1.5-3 hours of teaching) are held. 


SDC 2019 is held on 29 June to 8 July, with the performance held in Gandaria City on 7 June 2019, 1PM-10PM. Full details on the schedule can be seen on the link here!


Where is SDC held?


Most SDC classes has always been held in Gigi Art of Dance, ever since it’s first event back in 2011 in the Radio Dalam Studio (RIP, God bless). This year, some classes will be held in The Move Fatmawati, to accommodate the classes and the teachers better. Each class will be located in the best studio possible, including some of our biggest venues yet! 


Our showcase will be held on 7 July, 1PM-10PM in Gandaria City and there will be free classes to join on the day too! Come on down at 1PM and 2PM to the outdoor stage area near Pizza E Birra and join in on the festivities!


Why is SDC held? 


Because the mid-year period can be really boring if you’re not doing anything at home, and what better way to spend it than upgrading your dance skills? Whether you’ve been training for years or just trying to find out how to dance, SDC has the best opportunities for you to shine! It’s also a great way to find new friends, explore new dance styles, and have great memories of performing in an open, welcoming stage!


How Do I Join SDC?


SDC is always held every year in the middle of the year. Keep your eyes open on our instagram page, and make sure to join our next SDC!


I Hope You Dance!


This is a part of the coverage on Summer Dance Camp 2019! Read more on other genres covered in SDC 2019:
|| Introduction || Contemporary || Urban || Hip Hop || Vogue ||
|| Traditional Contemporary || Broadway || Collabonation || Showcase ||